Gas Disposal Equipment | Desulfurization and Dust Collecting | Desulfurization Towers | Intigrate Equipment Lianghui mainly offers equipment of dust collecting, smoke absorbing, sulfur removing, desulphurization, and decarburizing through method of catalyzing, also offers dust removing equipments with and without bags. The relevant products can be used on every kind of coal fired boilers, kilns, gas furnaces, oil fired furnaces, smelting furnaces, enterprises of dust polluting under every environment, as well as on the desulphurization, nitride removing, decarburizing, dust collecting, and smoke absorbing of coal gas, natural gas and methane. In addition, the pollutants can be controlled not only at one time but also separately, and the efficiency of pollutants controlling can reach higher than 99%. Among which, the degree of sulfur dioxide controlling is 19mg/m3, 47 times lower than the Chinese standard, and 10.5 times lower than the standard in Europe.